I am so pleased to gain this opportunity working as exclusive art consultant for the entire project. Working with BTR Interior Designer Team, based upon the high level of art direction and budget, we offered and delivered a full package of consulting services ranging from artwork design, sourcing, production to onsite installation within a very tight lead time of only 3 months.
Located at the entrance, the large-sized painting covered with green moss installation feature wall (8000x1600mm) thus presents how these spoonbills observe thePark from high above. “Green Bay in Spring”, oil on canvas, W3000xH2100mm is also inspired by the journey of black-faced spoonbills. With light and soft colors, the landscape painting seems to evoke the feeling of homesickness. “Cross the River in Spring” oil on canvas, (W1600xH2500mm), is inspired by a photography taken by the painter near the freshwater lake of Wetland Park There are several dozens of bird-shape wood sculptures, scattering on antique shelves or book shelves in club houses and public areas. As various kinds of birds appear in each month in Wetland Park The artists create sculptures in accordance with the shapes and characteristics of different birds to remind the visitors and residents of the values about environmental protection and ecological conservation. “The Beauty of Wilderness” (W3400 x H1400mm ) reminds visitors of the poetic landscape in the Park. Inspired by the photographs captured the piece echoes with Deep Bay and Wu-tong Mountain in a realistic manner. 《一水護田》
The valley grows with the water
油 畫 / Oil on canvas
W1400 x H2000mm
這畫作以現代彩墨風格,描繪出香港早年在北區、 天水圍和后海灣等地,昔日的漁村風光。構圖上可 見到淡水河流在漁村屋前流過,也有水稻田,漁塘 和鄉間民居散落在天水圍至上下白泥一帶的景色。澄靜淡河, by Samues Leung
此手繪陶瓷瓶系列以濕地公園地貌和天際線的景致,描畫出由晨曦到日落時分,所感受到的休閒 寫意和浪漫。廣彩飛舞
廣彩餐具由近百年歷史的粵東磁廠製作,仍在堅持一筆一筆的為這個幾近式微的行業,描畫最燦爛的花朵。蜻蜓蝴蝶廣彩花是粵東得意之作。紅蜻 (CrimsonDarter) 更是濕 地公園內的其中一個受歡迎訪客。《芳菲無盡》
The beauty of Wetland flowers
Mixed media, 混合媒介
W1600 x H1600mm
這畫作以立體浮雕元素,用纖維及紡織布製作。布料 採購自九龍深水埗區,有數十年歷史的布匹販賣地、俗稱 “棚仔 ”的布匹售賣市場。活潑鮮明的色彩、簡 約抽象的線條和構圖表現濕地公園和Wetland Seasons Park 內各種色彩鮮艷的花卉植物。《瀲滟浮天》(W1050xH3400mm) 以抽象構圖及明亮色彩描摹園 內魚塘、河流及紅樹林等 Sky Lounge 12 sets of porcelain butterflies display, commission work by Ben Yau Brass Chess Set to feature Seasonal Birds of Wetland, dedicated for the Sky Lounge Winter Room 濕地四季系列- 冬季篇
構思: 以圓盤形狀為主, 像徵四季流轉, 配合篆刻 印章及祥雲裝飾
陶藝家: Anna Li 李善琨
尺寸: 14.5 x 14 x 5吋
媒介: 高温坧器, 玻璃
創作年份: 2021
簡介: 黑面琵鷺Black face Spoonbill/ 花鯽/ 鐵冬青/ 蘆葦/ 招潮蟹/ 彈塗魚Spring Room 濕地四季系列- 秋季篇
構思: 以圓盤形狀為主, 像徵四季流轉, 配合篆刻 印章及祥雲裝飾
陶藝家: Anna Li 李善琨
尺寸: 14 x 14 x 4.5吋
媒介: 高温坧器, 玻璃
創作年份: 2021
簡介: 林鷸Wood Sandpiper/ 慈菇/楓香/ 蘆葦/
招潮蟹/ 彈塗魚Winter Room Autumn Room The painting “Reflection on Lotus Pond” (2250x1700mm), as its name, describes water and reflections of sky, clouds and trees. 在其中一個橢圓花園,特別設計一大型戶外國際棋盤藝術裝置(W2000xD2000xH1000mm) The four multi-functional rooms in Four Seasons Hall of Wetland Seasons Park are named after spring, summer, autumn and winter, thus the art decoration of the four rooms, from colour tone to the selection of art pieces, echos with the theme. Lotus Cafe 四季荷景
(Lotus Vista)
此藝術裝置系列及其混合媒體作品,是以濕地公園內荷 花塘上的四季景致為創作靈感。以活潑色彩反映荷花在 春夏秋冬時分的生命力和她的美態。Lotus Cafe Lotus Cafe