The Hidden Memory

    The swirl and flow of memory are represented by brushstrokes of dark ink, stark and intense, whereas the thread is the linearity leading to our hidden memory, which is represented by the intricate fabric-like texture, deliberately portrayed to be standing out from the rest of the painting. The broken rope represents the inconsistent state of memory. The rope is more visible in the … Continue reading The Hidden Memory

Stories of Deserted Villages

  In this project, I attempted to capture my impressions on deserted villages located on outlying islands and some rural areas in the New Territories. Although my research interest Wabi-Sabi is originally a Japanese aesthetic concept, I seek inspirations of Wabi-Sabi in HK rather than relying on my travelling experiences in Japan, since I believe that Wabi-Sabi is universal. During my past visits to those … Continue reading Stories of Deserted Villages

Narcissus Love (multimedia installation work)

This series of work, under the theme “Narcissus Love” , which features the Narcissus plant, was transformed from my previous oil painting, same title:  “Narcissus Love”  to an installation work consisting of 7 individual pieces. My artworks should have an aesthetic which can be dedicated to my family, as well as honoring my father’s profession as a tailor. I tried to make a new series of … Continue reading Narcissus Love (multimedia installation work)